Address Form Widget v.3.5.1 (08 November 2021) ------------------------------------------------ The address form is based on the Speedy/DPD Romania REST API: / 1. System requirements - PHP with started 'php_curl.dll' library. (tested with PHP 7.1.23) 2. Description of files - speedyAddressForm.php - Main address form. - speedyAddressForm.js - Java script functions. - speedyAddressFormActions.js - File with main java script function which validate the address from the form. It should be modyfied by the user according your purposes. - speedyAddressForm.css - Default widget css. - libraryAddressForm.php - Library with some settings. - libraryAddressFormBg.php - Language library file with form labels, messages and errors. - libraryAddressFormEn.php - Language library file with form labels, messages and errors. - languages.php - functionsAddressForm.php - Functions used to access Speedy REST API and simple validations. - formVariablesState.php - File with description of variables returned from the API. Used for developers purposes. Can be included by changing the "showDeveloperInfo" variable in the "libraryAddressForm.php" file. - speedyCredentials.php - Credentials for Speedy REST API used by files in the "api/" directory. The path to credentials file should be described in the "speedyCredentialsPath" variable in the "libraryAddressForm.php" file; - demo.php - Example file with integrated Speedy address form; - api/.. - Files for API methods; - api/validateAddress.php - File which validate the address in the form via AJAX request; It is strongly recommended the 'speedyCredentials.php' file to be moved to another directory outside the project! 3. How to use the form? - Set your credentials in the "speedyCredentials.php" file. (It is strongly recommended the 'speedyCredentials.php' file to be moved to another directory outside the project!); - In the "speedyAddressForm.php" at the first row set the path to the speedy address form forlder. - Set the default local country and language in the "libraryAddressForm.php" file - In the "libraryAddressForm.php" file, set the path to "speedyCredentials.php" file in the "speedyCredentialsPath" variable. Note that the files which are using this credentials are placed in the "api/" directory. - Set the default language in the "languages.php" file. - Include the "speedy_address_form/speedyAddressForm.php" in your project. - Modify the "speedy_address_form/speedyAddressFormActions.js" for your purposes. 4. Change log: 3.5.1. - 11 November 2021 - Renamed label "Quarter" to "Complex (quarter)" in the "formVariablesState.php" file. 3.5.0. - 11 October 2021 - Allowed option to use the form in two countries (Bulgaria and Romania). - Added Romanian language (if the default Country is Romania). - Improved behaviour of the "quarter/complex" field depending the selected country. 3.4.0. - 27 September 2021 - Improved behavior of the "Pickup office" checkbox, which allows selecting an office in different countries. - Improved visualization of the autocomplete labels. 3.3.0. - 29 July 2021 - Chnaged file structure and parf of the code for easy implementation in different projects. 3.2.4. - 15 December 2020 - Changed visibility of the "Pickup office" label regardless of the number of the offices in selected city/village. The label is always displayed. 3.2.3. - 25 February 2020 - Fixed bug with validation for Romanian addresses. - Added new functions 'convertTypesToStrings' and 'allTypesToString' in 'functionsAddressForm.php'. - Changed 'listTypes.php' and 'listCountries.php' files. - Added new function 'fillTypes' in 'speedyAddressForm.js'. - Changed 'speedyAddressForm.js' and 'speedyAddressFormActions.js' files. - Added new params and labels in 'libraryAddressFormBG.php' and 'libraryAddressFormEN.php'. - Changed 'api/validateAddress.php' file. 3.2.2. - 20 December 2019 - Renamed files "libraryAddressFormBg.php" and "libraryAddressFormEn.php" to "libraryAddressFormBG.php" and "libraryAddressFormEN.php"; - Fixed bug in "speedyAddressForm.php" related with the libraries file names. 3.2.1. - 04 December 2019 - Added missing label name "New name" in the language libraries (libraryAddressFormBg.php and libraryAddressFormEn.php); 3.2. - 01 December 2019. - Added "autoFocus: true" option to each autocomplete field to highlight the first record; - Added role attribute to input fields to prevent autofill address in Chrome; - Improved behavior of the address type fields "speedyRcptSiteType", "speedyRcptComplexType" and "speedyRcptStreetType"; - Fixed bug with the "speedyRcptBlockNo" field; 3.1. - 01 November 2019. - The begining of the REST based form; For any technical questions, please contact us at: